I am 33, with a degree in psychology. My experience, however, isn't limited to what I learned in school. I have been independently studying psychology & dreams since I was 13.

Though I AM NOT CURRENTLY A PRACTICING PSYCHOLOGIST, I wanted to do this blog because I believe that I have life experience that people can relate to and thought maybe it could help. So, please feel free to share your stories because secrets give our problems power

Being a first-time parent is full of questions, worries and doubts. My husband and I often discuss the worry that we're not doing everything right. Finally, I decided that bad parents probably don't worry so much about doing everything right as we do. Thus, I think we're doing okay.

While I would like to say that there is no such thing as "bad" parents, the fact of the matter is that there are. There are very bad parents out there. I know we're not one of those. Our worries are more about making sure we're doing everything we can to raise a happy, healthy, well-rounded child. It's a lot of pressure.

Of course, I know that, no matter what we do as parents, all kids have problems. If you're poor, you resent not having money; if you're rich, you resent not knowing if people like you for who you are. If you're too loved, not loved enough; involved in too many activities or not enough; your parents push you too hard, or not enough, it is always something. That's okay though, it's the way it's supposed to be. It's our issues who make us grow as people; without them, what's the point. Without problems, we're all happy drones, which sounds great, but really...what would be the point of all this?

Sorry, got carried away. That's a whole other post. The point is, caring about your child's well-being is a good sign of being a good parent. Just something for those parents out there, going through the same things we are.


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