I am 33, with a degree in psychology. My experience, however, isn't limited to what I learned in school. I have been independently studying psychology & dreams since I was 13.

Though I AM NOT CURRENTLY A PRACTICING PSYCHOLOGIST, I wanted to do this blog because I believe that I have life experience that people can relate to and thought maybe it could help. So, please feel free to share your stories because secrets give our problems power

I say the word "blessings" or "blessed" often, not because I'm extremely religious, but because it describes how I feel about my life perfectly. I, honestly, don't know that I've done anything in this life that was deserving of the wonderful things that have happened to me. Mostly, I mean my family. I have an amazing husband, and now an amazing son.

Every time I look at my baby, I think about how lucky I am to be able to stay home and take care of him. I know that there are a lot of mothers out there who would love to be in my position. I truly sympathize because even the thought of having to leave him with a sitter makes my heart ache. Though my husband has the security of knowing the baby is with me, I know he hates having to leave him as well.

I realize I may sound a little over the top, but I assure you I'm not. My husband and I were together for 8 years before we had our baby and we were very accustomed to an independent lifestyle. I used to think how ridiculous those people were who had to call and check on how their baby was doing in the middle of dinner. Now, I understand. Sometimes it can get so hard during the week. All I can think is about getting a break; but as soon as I'm away from my baby, I miss him. Even I think that's crazy.

I don't know how people do it except that they have to. With the economy the way it is, families need two incomes just to survive. That's assuming there are two incomes to have. Nowadays, there are so many parents out there, going it alone. My hats off.

Don't get the wrong idea, I am not wealthy by any means. I work from home and I do okay. Mostly my husband and I have simplified our lives to the point that we don't ask for much. Yet our lives are full and I'm thankful.

I think that it's important to say that once in awhile, so you don't forget the ... Blessings!

Ever wonder why the people who already believe in ghosts and aliens are the only ones to see ghosts and aliens? Now don't get me wrong, positivity is a great thing. However, I like to think of myself as a realist. Before you go buying into Oprah's drug of choice, The Secret, consider what I'm about to tell you.

First, "The Secret" isn't a secret at all. I've actually followed this and believed it for a very long time. Does the idea that the messages you send out into the universe determine what is delivered to you in your life work? Yes, it does. I know because it has worked for me.

For instance, before I met my husband, I dated a lot but never had what I'd call a successful relationship. Basically, I got bored quickly and moved on easily. I didn't get attached, but I longed to have that connection, as we all do. Then, I decided that it was my thinking that was holding me back. I didn't believe that I could have a long term relationship because I didn't believe there was a guy good enough to have one with. I thought guys were all dogs at heart. Then, when I changed my thinking and started to believe that there were still some decent men out there, guess what? I found one!

So there it is, positivity works. It's the why that's the question. Was it that I finally found a good guy because I sent the message to the universe? Or was it that there were good guys before, even guys that I had dated, but it wasn't until I believed it, that I saw it. Then, you have to ask yourself if it's real.

If I believe in aliens and I see a UFO, does it make it a UFO, or is it a regular plane that I have decided is something more. The same goes in the other direction. What if I explain away the UFO as a regular plane because I don't believe in UFOs?

Of course, no one really asks these questions because when you're an optimist, you don't care about the why, how and what of it all. You're happy because things are good, or at least you perceive them that way because you put a positive spin on everything around you. It's true what they say you know, ignorance is bliss.
