I am 33, with a degree in psychology. My experience, however, isn't limited to what I learned in school. I have been independently studying psychology & dreams since I was 13.

Though I AM NOT CURRENTLY A PRACTICING PSYCHOLOGIST, I wanted to do this blog because I believe that I have life experience that people can relate to and thought maybe it could help. So, please feel free to share your stories because secrets give our problems power

Okay, I wasn't going to comment on this, but it's gotten so ridiculous that I have to say something. While I understand that people think it is crazy for a single woman struggling to make it with 6 children to go and have another 8 that she has no means to take care of. I just cannot condone the things that are being said to and about Nadya Suleman and her children. I mean she has received messages from people saying that they hope she and her children die.

This is crossing the line. I cannot wrap my mind around someone being so irate that they would wish something so horrible on children. They are innocent in this, and whether you like Nadya or not, these children need help. Here is Nadya's website where you can donate if you would like.

Last time I checked we live in a society that does not put restrictions on how many children you can have based on your income or even mental competency. Freedom is not something that you can pick and choose, we either love that about our country or we don't. Nadya is free to have as many children as she would like, just like we are.

Personally, I think she has some issues, but don't we all? By all accounts she is a very loving mother and I don't think that's anything to scoff at. Now, by no means does this mean that I agree with her choices. I find I don't agree with a lot of choices people make, but I don't think we should be so quick to chastise.

Besides, I think this is all misplaced anger that we have toward the government and those who have put our society in a state that we should put such importance on money over people. If we want to get upset over ignorant choices that have caused the downfall of our economy, this woman with 14 kids should not be the target.


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